Welcome to the Vermont Barn Museum,
a tribute to the building that built a state.
We’re the Mount Holly Barn Preservation Association (MHBPA), a bunch of passionate Vermont barn lovers. We wanted people from all over to celebrate what just might be the most important building in America, so we built the first-ever virtual barn museum. Though we’re starting small with only 30 or so barns, our hope is that someday we can feature hundreds, if not thousands of these beautiful structures. Come on in and take a look at our stunning barn photo gallery.
They’ve been our best friends since sheltering us in our earliest pioneer days, protecting our animals, machines and tools. Barns have enabled the agriculture that have sustained life itself. They grace and enhance the landscape of our beautiful state, we can’t imagine our town - or Vermont - without our faithful friends; each with a rich and unique story that also tells our story – tells our history! To many of us our beautiful Vermont barns rank right up there with all those other stunning “wonders of the world”.
From the late 18th Century pioneer farmers cleared Vermont’s..
In the mid-1800’s the Yankee Barn provided a design..
A farmhouse linked to its barn and out-houses- often..
Throughout the late 19th Century – as refrigerated rail..
Early 20thCentury interest in larger specialized dairy farming led..
Adapted from maple sugar shacks – used for steam..
More modern version of dairy barn
An English barn adapted to accommodate a larger dairy..
This adaptation from Pennsylvania was a larger barn than..
Some farmers enlarged their dairy operation by joining or..
One or more barns connected to other farm buildings..
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